Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Media biased -- they will swallow us

"Taliban terrorists are mostly located in Pakistan but they are inching towards us step by step this is not a small issue they have spread there network here in Ankola, in Karwar, in Sirsi and if we keep compromising on basis our political alliances they will swallow us one day "  these lines by a BJP candidate Anant Kumar Hegde is been labeled as blatantly communal by CNN-IBN. It has reported that after Varun Gandhi this is the conduct of another BJP candidate in costal Karnataka. The election officer has sent the CD to ECE which didn't found anything communal in it and so haven't taken any action against him. Opposition parties in Karnataka has said that such communal speech should be met with stern actions. CNN reporter says that BJP is strongly campaigning in costal Karnataka over the Hindutava issue. 

I want to ask the opposition and the CNN that if cautioning against Taliban is Hindutava as they say than how can it be communal, since when have criticizing Taliban became communal,  in-fact if thats what they subscribe as Hindutava then its a national issue and a very relevant and important issue, which not only should they raise it in-fact the opposition in Karnataka should do the same. 

Though, I must thank you for openly showing your communal and biased side. One for the proof.  

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