Sunday, April 5, 2009


I was pondering over the achievements of the government in the last five years. Some major achievements highlighted by congress party are the farmer loan waiver, development, clean governance etc.

Then I thought what was the difference between the achievements projected by NDA five years ago.... NDA achievements were tangible. You could see the number of highways being built, you could see how mobile phones became the means of mass communication, you could feel the sense of urgency towards becoming a developed nation, you could feel the difference how the world suddenly started perceiving India differently, you could see the results of efficient foreign policy offensive which for the first time de-linked India from Pakistan. NDA government managed a 5.5% growth despite the recession in the 2001 , as well as during the internet bubble burst in 1999...

Now where are the tangible achievements of the UPA government.. Where do we find the index of how much reduction happened in the farmer suicides because of the loan waivers, where do we find, how much roads India added in the last five years.. What happened to the river linking project, we have floods every year in the country...We could have gone ahead with monster projects to change our nation in the last five years... Why are the expectations of Indians so low...

That might be the reason congress is so averse to something as beautiful as debate in a democracy. If there was a national debate between the leaders of the national parties, won't the viewers get educated and get attracted towards politics. This will ensure more interest and participation by the youth ..Lets hope congress party keeps on evolving and one day become civilized enough to understand that debate is vital for the success of a democracy......Only in autocracies you can't debate

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