Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today in India everyone is talking about change, a word they readily accepted from USA election coined by Obama. But, when they look around they don't find a very visible change in front of there eyes, and that is to change the government. If, such is the frustration among young after 5 years of Congress rule in India, its hard to believe that they have directed there cynicism towards politicians and politics as whole. 
If you ask every such person was it the case when BJP was in power for 6 years, and the answer is simple no. In fact they all believed in India Shining, for the first time they all felt that they are proud to be an Indian. They all believed that they did not go to USA for a better life, good job and world class infrastructure. Its possible to stay in India and have a good living. 
This cynicism came in the aftermath of Mumbai attack on 26/11. Attack in a Congress ruled state with a Congress led government at the center. It all came because of rampant corruption and failure of judicial system which is visible since last 60 years after the Independence. This 60 years had a Congress government or Congress led government for more than 40 years. 
In this 60 years it was a Nehru, Gandhi scion  at the helm of affairs for 40 or so years. They all famously gave pitches for eradicating poverty, eradicating corruption and still all we see is elevation of these evils year after year. 
Indians want an Obama for India, who has struggled with racism and slavery, who is a great orator. But, many (like our biased media) can't see L.K Advani who struggled for democracy at the time of emergency, who struggled to reach where he is now through hierarchy of politics, who is not enforced on Indians for his dynasty and lineage. 
India wants a change, and it have a opportunity to bring that change. That change is to CHNAGE THE GOVERNMENT. 
So I appeal to all of you, to go out and vote for CHANGE, vote for BJP

Sunday, April 12, 2009

NDTV- Barkha Dutt

The blogosphere has come out unreservedly in defence of a blogger whom they see being browbeaten by the legal clout of the mainstream press. Journalists posting on mailing lists such as New_Media_Forum wonder why bloggers think they should have the freedom to abuse without giving the person concerned the right to reply. Here are the orignal post and the one withdrawing it.

Shoddy Journalism
Date: Thursday, 27 Nov 2008 20:39
Appalling journalism. Absolute blasphemy! As I watch the news from home, I am dumbfounded to see Barkha Dutt of NDTV break every rule of ethical journalism in reporting the Mumbai mayhem. Take a couple of instances for example:

In one instance she asks a husband about his wife being stuck, or held as a hostage. The poor guy adds in the end about where she was last hiding. Aired! My dear friends with AK-47s, our national news is helping you. Go get those still in. And be sure to thank NDTV for not censoring this bit of information.
In another instance, a General sort of suggests that there were no hostages in Oberoi Trident. (Clever.) Then, our herione of revelations calls the head of Oberoi, and the idiot confirms a possibility of 100 or more people still in the building. Hello! Guys with guns, you've got more goats to slay. But before you do, you've got to love NDTV and more precisely Ms. Dutt. She's your official intelligence from Ground zero.
You do not need to be a journalist to understand the basic premise of ethics, which starts with protecting victims first; and that is done by avoiding key information from being aired publicly—such as but not limited to revealing the number of possible people still in, the hideouts of hostages and people stuck in buildings.

Imagine you're one of those sorry souls holed-up in one of those bathrooms, or kitchens. A journalist pulls your kin outside and asks about your last contact on national television, and other prying details. In a bout of emotion, if they happen to reveal more details, you are sure going to hell. Remember these are hotels, where in all likelihood, every room has a television. All a terrorist needs to do is listen to Ms. Barkha Dutt's latest achievement of extracting information from your relative, based on your last phone-call or SMS. And you're shafted—courtesy NDTV.1

If the terrorists don't manage to shove you in to your private hell, the journalists on national television will certainly help you get there. One of the criticisms about Barkha Dutt on Wikipedia reads thus:

During the Kargil conflict, Indian Army sources repeatedly complained to her channel that she was giving away locations in her broadcasts, thus causing Indian casualties.

Looks like the idiot journalist has not learnt anything since then. I join a number of bloggers pleading her to shut the f⋅⋅⋅ up.

Update: In fact, I am willing to believe that Hemant Karkare died because these channels showed him prepare (wear helmet, wear bullet-proof vest.) in excruciating detail live on television. And they in turn targeted him where he was unprotected. The brave officer succumbed to bullets in the neck.

Update 2 [28.Nov.2300hrs]: Better sense appears to have prevailed in the latter half of today—either willfully, or by Government coercion2, and Live broadcasts are now being limited to non-action zones. Telecast of action troops and strategy is now not being aired live. Thank goodness for that.

Update 3 [30.Nov.1900hrs]: DNA India reports about a UK couple ask media to report carefully:

The terrorists were watching CNN and they came down from where they were in a lift after hearing about us on TV.

— Lynne Shaw in an interview.

I am ready for your lawyer. I WISH YOU SHUT UP LIKE THAT PICTURE.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Congress Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

Anti-Sikh riots .. Today the CBI presented its case in the court and argued that the magistrate court does not have authority to pass a judgement in a murder case. The court said the argument which the CBI has put is from a case whose judgment was later overruled meaning that, in a previous such hearing, a magistrate court in a murder case has passed the judgment which was accepted by the session court, which simply stated means that the CBI did not want to go ahead with the case and wanted to delay it to give political gains to Jagdish Tytler (Congress MP for North East Delhi constituency). Congress(I) hasn't come up with any plans to sack Sajjan Kumar or Jagdish Tytler as the court didn't pronounced a judgment and was adjourned till 28th April. The last date of filling nominations for Delhi Lok Shabha Seats is 18th April. Moreover, Jagdish Tytler supporters manhandled with the lawyer representing the families of victims who are awaiting for a fair judgment since last 25 years. So, far Congress has been saying that CBI is an independent investigating agency but by the courts proceedings today it is clear that in fact CBI is acting on Congress(i) commands and just wanted to delay the case.  

on IBN...Meanwhile, lawyer for Shiromani Sangh HS Ahluwalia hinted that the CBI was trying to buy time for Tytler.

"I wonder why is CBI behaving like this? They furthered a judgement of 1993 which was overruled in 1998! Then they told the court that it does not have any powers! I was also a CBI counsel once and I don't know why the agency is behaving like this. It should be fair," he said.

Some, congress leaders have asked that to save face, Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar should themselves not contest. This will save the pains and face of the leadership which is yet to to take a decision, though the excuse might be to show sensitivity towards the victims and Sikh community but then how will it wash off its hands from the comments of Rajiv Gandhi who said after the riots "IF A TREE FALLS, EARTH IS BOUND TO SHAKE". Moreover, the dilemma is what if Jagdish and Sajjan decides to spills the beans once they are convicted "Hum toh dobhegin sanam tujhe bhee le dobehegin".

Shiela Dikshit has come out vociferously in support for these candidates ans said that they have previously won from there respective constituency and that the people of Delhi will support these leaders again, and that this was a dead issue only been racked up by the opposition for political milage. 

All this posses two very haunting questions first to the people of Delhi, are there hearts so clouded that for development work of the CM they will indeed give prize to these candidates and let the Sikh community down ? and second does the Delhi CM want this issue to be dead and deny justice to thousands of victims of such horrendous massacre ?

if Congress Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is to be believed then it means delay the justice and let the time heal the wounds even if the justice is denied. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

RSP (Rashtriya Samajwadi Party) a new party post elections

Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, has full support of the SP, RJD and LJP and they have iterated it several times in every forum. But they have also iterated there dislike for several Munshis and Managers of the Congress. 
So though very highly unlikely, if the trioka of SP,RJD, and LJP does a decent job in this elections then it is highly possible to see they merge with Congress post poll and some of the Congress present munshis and managers such as Digvijay Singh, Janti Natrajan and other will be sacrificed and be scape goats of the present Congress party, who with NCP forms a new political party RSP (Rashtriya Samajwadi Party).  Amar Singh, Lalu and Paswan will be Congress's new managers and munshis. This will give them presence in UP and Bihar they so desperately need and will also give them new faces to represent Muslim, Yadavs, and OBC vote bank and appear more secular. 
The problem is will the Congress be ready to gamble its coveted PM hair apparent to Lalu, Paswan or Mulayam. 
There is one more side to it, will the trioka gamble there dream of becoming PM and accept Rahul Gandhi as there leader and be happy to work under him as other significant cabinet ministers to save each other and be relevant in Indian politics. 
I say so because the way UPA is fighting with itself on various fronts any one of the above options is highly possible especially if the UPA performs very badly in this elections. Congress won't hesitate to remove any munshis or managers except for Rahul, citing failure of those in the general elections. SP+LJP+RJP won't let go the opportunity to get a brand like Congress and become its new face. 
This elections is turning out to be most interesting and hard to predict if you don't see it superficially and abstractly. Its clear that only alliance and party with clear coherence is BJP+ and therefore your vote should go to it.  
RSP's symbol can be a clock super imposed in a cycle tyre and having a glowing bulb in it. What say ?


I was pondering over the achievements of the government in the last five years. Some major achievements highlighted by congress party are the farmer loan waiver, development, clean governance etc.

Then I thought what was the difference between the achievements projected by NDA five years ago.... NDA achievements were tangible. You could see the number of highways being built, you could see how mobile phones became the means of mass communication, you could feel the sense of urgency towards becoming a developed nation, you could feel the difference how the world suddenly started perceiving India differently, you could see the results of efficient foreign policy offensive which for the first time de-linked India from Pakistan. NDA government managed a 5.5% growth despite the recession in the 2001 , as well as during the internet bubble burst in 1999...

Now where are the tangible achievements of the UPA government.. Where do we find the index of how much reduction happened in the farmer suicides because of the loan waivers, where do we find, how much roads India added in the last five years.. What happened to the river linking project, we have floods every year in the country...We could have gone ahead with monster projects to change our nation in the last five years... Why are the expectations of Indians so low...

That might be the reason congress is so averse to something as beautiful as debate in a democracy. If there was a national debate between the leaders of the national parties, won't the viewers get educated and get attracted towards politics. This will ensure more interest and participation by the youth ..Lets hope congress party keeps on evolving and one day become civilized enough to understand that debate is vital for the success of a democracy......Only in autocracies you can't debate

Congress story

A very simple quiz for a class 6 guy. 

Cut an apple in UP in 4 pieces equally, give Congress, NDA, SP and BSP, BJP each one piece of that apple also give 1/3 of votes to BSP, 1/3 of vote to SP and 1/3 of vote to BJP. Cut another apple in Bihar in 3 pieces, give Congress, NDA, RJD+LJP each one a piece of the appple also give 1/2 of vote to NDA, 1/2 to RJD+LJP combine.
Cut another apple in Jharkhand in 4 pieces, give JMM, Congress, RJD and BJP each one piece of the apple also give 1/3 of votes to JMM, 1/3 to NDA, 1/3 to RJD+LJP combine. 

So what is left with Congress.... its simple .... 1/4 + 1/3 + 1/3 = .91 of an apple and out of how many seats 40(Bihar) + 80(UP) + 14(Jharkhand) = 134 seats well thats the story of Congress.

If you were not able to guess the answer yourself then let me remind you that thing your math teacher told you. Sometimes non-redundant information is given in the problem to confuse you and trick you, don't be fooled. 

Wish Congress all the luck and hope they have a small appetite. That hand looks a little withered away isn't it ?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Swiss Bank - Black money

by Gourav Gupta, a dear friend

Indians have about 1.5 trillion dollors in swiss banks.. This is the money our politicians have plundered over the last 6 decades from the poor. 1.5 trillion dollors is 7,50,0000,00,000,00 Ruppes.. Can you guys imagine what our beloved Gandhi Family has done for India.Can you imagine how many lakhs of lives would have been saved if this money was not pilfered. Can you imagine the enormity of this issue. The amount is bigger than the entire Indian economy itself.. 

Compare it with the 2 column coverage this news got when the swiss govt. released this data. Consider how we have been consistently hoodwinked by our media which is deciding what is important. So we have an optical illusion created by our secular meida.. where are the news that actually affect people's lives. The English media has taken the role of opinion foprmation rather than the role of facilitator for free flow of news and information..Suddenly is has become a taboo to be called a nationalistic, its out of fashion now, All of us are supposed to be liberal homosexuals... sorry metrosexuals.. 

I believe all of you guys read the news online.. Can you place a hand on your heart and honestly answer this question.. IS the Indian media patriotic, IS Indian media Secular(Anti Hindu is just as much communal as anti Muslim)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Issue Based Elections – A bold attempt by the BJP

bbjp4india on Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:35 am
Will the people respond?

Let’s look at the political world in India today. There is only party in India that has laid down a clear vision for India in the IT field. I read this vision and I was amazed. Here is a party that is trying to change the election battlefield from the shallow Hindu – Muslim divide to a vision based campaign where goals and metrics are defined and the party has laid out clear plans to achieve these goals. Along the way, we will generate jobs, educate people and give a boost to domestic consumption of IT goods and services so that we are not dependent on natural economic cycles of the west. How much debate have we heard on this issue across TV channels and newspaper outlets? As any other party come out with its own vision for the IT area? Other political parties do not want to have this debate. They want to cling on to perennially used election themes that worked in the one party political world from 1947-1996. 

There is only one party that has laid out a clear vision on foreign policy. How much debate have you heard around this party’s foreign policy vision? Has any other party spelled out its policy in as much detail? Another example of one party trying to change the election landscape to an issue based election. Similarly only one party has come forward with the money held by Indians in Swiss banks. Only one party has its plans to form a task force comprised of eminent experts on this issue to deal with this. How much noise has the media made about this? Why is there a deafening silence on this issue by other parties? Terrorism is another area where only one party has demonstrated willingness to combat this menace at its roots. It requires political will and only the BJP has articulated it. 

Let’s also look at the election from a social perspective. For decades we have heard the same rhetoric over and over again; Girls in India are deprived of education for various social and economic reasons. What have the parties done to solve this problem? Evidently nothing for the past 50 years since this issue is still relevant today. There is only one party that has laid out a clear plan to solve this problem and has approached it understanding some of the social reasons that lead to this problem. Here is one party trying to change the election battlefield again to an issue based election. How many talking heads have you seen debating the plusses and minuses of this scheme? Have you seen any such scheme from any other political party? Answer is again No.

My purpose in highlighting a few of these points is to drive home the point that only the BJP is approaching the elections, the way they should be in a democracy. You lay out your plans, your visions, and your goals before the elections so that the electorate has a clear idea of whom they are voting for. You set metrics for your initiatives so that you can be measure against these at the end of your term. The other parties would never dare to do such things. God forbid if the people actually start measuring your performances. These parties will never win an election again. It is in their interest to let the election be dominated by fringe issues like Varun Gandhi’s speech, reservations for Muslims for votes and other such meaningless words like secularism. 

The reason I bring this up is because after the Mumbai attacks, I saw on TV numerous candle light vigils, pledges and a collective will to vote for politicians who will be responsible in tacking issues outlined above and many more that face the nation. My concern is that in this election noise, media bombardment, star appeal, Supreme Court rulings and slogans, can the electorate separate fact from fiction? Can they clearly see the forces in play? Can the electorate separate real issues from fringe issues? Can the electorate separate issue based politics from slogan based politics? Can the electorate clearly see that the nation will not be safe till we have vote bank politics? If the answer is no, then I am afraid all the candle light marches and pledges are of no use. 

Deep down I hope that the people can clearly see that only the BJP is trying to change the way elections are conducted in India. I hope that they can see that only the BJP has presented clear ideas on how to solve problems facing India. This is a welcome change and frankly a sign of a healthy democracy.

Media biased -- they will swallow us

"Taliban terrorists are mostly located in Pakistan but they are inching towards us step by step this is not a small issue they have spread there network here in Ankola, in Karwar, in Sirsi and if we keep compromising on basis our political alliances they will swallow us one day "  these lines by a BJP candidate Anant Kumar Hegde is been labeled as blatantly communal by CNN-IBN. It has reported that after Varun Gandhi this is the conduct of another BJP candidate in costal Karnataka. The election officer has sent the CD to ECE which didn't found anything communal in it and so haven't taken any action against him. Opposition parties in Karnataka has said that such communal speech should be met with stern actions. CNN reporter says that BJP is strongly campaigning in costal Karnataka over the Hindutava issue. 

I want to ask the opposition and the CNN that if cautioning against Taliban is Hindutava as they say than how can it be communal, since when have criticizing Taliban became communal,  in-fact if thats what they subscribe as Hindutava then its a national issue and a very relevant and important issue, which not only should they raise it in-fact the opposition in Karnataka should do the same. 

Though, I must thank you for openly showing your communal and biased side. One for the proof.