Thursday, March 19, 2009

Varun Gandhi and the aftermath

So, the latest media target is the first timer Varun Gandhi. The irony is that the media has already passed a judgement to a case which is yet to be heard by the EC even after the accused denied the charges. We had once seen the consequences of that in  Arushi Murder case where the blame was put on the poor father's shoulder even when the investigations were on. 

The same media thought that it is it's constitutional propriety not to telecast the sting operation on Vote-for-Cash scandal that rocked the parliament even though the legitimacy of those tapes rested with itself. It didn't even waited for the trail to begin or the case being heard by the Election Commission to verify the authenticity of Varun Gandhi's speech tape. They already had discussions on it, in Face the Nation or Face the Election and various other forums and already pronounced him as guilty. They have already substantiated it with another follow up with a comparison on Varun Gandhi and his father Sanjay Gandhi. If, rumor mills are to be believed than one can say earlier the plane crash was done to silent a rising star which was not approved by some congress man as he was rising to instant fame and had differences with this own mother late Indria Gandhi. This time the conspiracy can be to save the political career of Rahul Gandhi and by that logic its easy to believe that such tapes can be doctored to dent a blow to his arch rival Varun's political career well in advance. 

Though much can not be said on this unless and until the truth behind the tape is not confirmed but keep your fingers crossed till then, you never know if another murkier episode of political drama is in the making. 

Moral of the story is don't jump to conclusions and don't be judgmental instantly this elections otherwise you may be flooded with doctored CD's all the season. 

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