Thursday, August 21, 2008

Vote Bank Politics = "DEVOCRATIC"

Day 3 of the "Jail Bharo Andolan" was more vociferous as it was the day for children to court arrest. It saw even a larger crowd of around 3 lakhs people court arrest themselves. There was no police station, or other government buildings which was not full to the brim and most of the nationalist agitators had to stay outside in the vicinity. Court arrest of children some of whom were carried by their relatives and parents, with nipples in there mouth, on the shoulders, right fully showed the determination of there parents to support their children and upheld their right to have the 40 acres of land and even more later for the nation they are born in. It showed that Indian parents stand for the rights of its children, they are willing to let there children participate in any agitation for the sovereignty of the nation and stand with there children shoulder to shoulder in such agitations. Salute to all the children and parents who participated in the on going agitation in its 52nd day. Salute to the nation who has such a citizens.

Such a vociferous movement can not go unnoticed, and after so many days there was some news in the national media about it. But aghast at the journalism that only reported the violent incidents rather than reporting the unity and the national cause behind such a movement. Such a journalism is not only dangerous for the largest democracy of the word and for communal peace of a diverse country like India, it also destroys the very principle of journalism i.e. to be objective. Has any national movement in any part of the world ever been truly peaceful ? Even India's struggle movement had its fair share of violent incidents.

A national Congress(I) spokesman's statement that the Hurriyat and the SASS are same side of coin is really disheartening and totally anti-national. How can Union government say that the separatist who are burning the national flag and the nationalist who are carrying it with pride be same side of a coin. Why is the government not taking any constructive and concrete steps to resolve an issue and being a mute spectator, giving in to every demand of the separatist ?

The incidents can leave one feel that India has come of way to far to be called as democratic, its instead being govern by the vote bank politics, lets call it "DEVOCRATIC".

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