Saturday, August 23, 2008

Peace Deal or Nuke Deal ...

India's political sphere is a buzz with two deals right now and neither of them are coming easily for the government to clinch. In fact, for both of them Congress party is paying a high price with its reputation at stake. Earlier, for the civil nuclear deal it had to face a tough trust vote which is still under scanner for alleged cash for votes scam. The Nuclear deal for which Mr. Manmohan Singh was dubbed as a true leader is now in jeopardy after the failed first round of talks with NSG. And now, it is feeling the brunt of losing face within the Hindu community for its soft approach towards separatist and fundamentalist elements. Its own Jammu region leaders are garnering support for allotment of land to the SASB immediately within the party.

The Congress party high command and high command's son are as usual left untouched and shunned by the party, if either of deals fail. The Congress party's top brass is in a dilemma that in the coming elections siding with any one region in J&K it will loose either of its hindu or muslim vote bank.

On the other hand, the government would maintain that the first round of talks were positive and constructive, but is clear that the NSG has rejected a draft which was strongly lobbied both by the United States and India. For the government to go ahead with the Nuclear deal, it has to make compromises which India can not afford. If, the second rounds of talks in Vienna fails, there won't be any time for the deal to be passed in the US congress before it is dissolved for fresh elections. Moreover, if political pundits were to be believed it will be a change of guard in New Delhi and USA by next year, and the deal would lie in the fate of new political equations between the then governments of both the countries.

In wake of such unrest and changing equations UPA finds itself isolated and finding it hard to take any tough decisions, making it the weakest government with no clear vision and control over the law and order, soft on terror and a very weak prime minister and high command who does not want to take any responsibility.

Country has for first time seen leaders who does not sense the urgency and need for them to resolve an issue going on for over a month, and has divided the nation on communal as well as separatist lines. The nation has witnessed its flag openly burnt on its soil and the government saying that its only concern with law and order situation and the day went peaceful. Certainly, it won't go peacefully down the spines of millions of Indians.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Vote Bank Politics = "DEVOCRATIC"

Day 3 of the "Jail Bharo Andolan" was more vociferous as it was the day for children to court arrest. It saw even a larger crowd of around 3 lakhs people court arrest themselves. There was no police station, or other government buildings which was not full to the brim and most of the nationalist agitators had to stay outside in the vicinity. Court arrest of children some of whom were carried by their relatives and parents, with nipples in there mouth, on the shoulders, right fully showed the determination of there parents to support their children and upheld their right to have the 40 acres of land and even more later for the nation they are born in. It showed that Indian parents stand for the rights of its children, they are willing to let there children participate in any agitation for the sovereignty of the nation and stand with there children shoulder to shoulder in such agitations. Salute to all the children and parents who participated in the on going agitation in its 52nd day. Salute to the nation who has such a citizens.

Such a vociferous movement can not go unnoticed, and after so many days there was some news in the national media about it. But aghast at the journalism that only reported the violent incidents rather than reporting the unity and the national cause behind such a movement. Such a journalism is not only dangerous for the largest democracy of the word and for communal peace of a diverse country like India, it also destroys the very principle of journalism i.e. to be objective. Has any national movement in any part of the world ever been truly peaceful ? Even India's struggle movement had its fair share of violent incidents.

A national Congress(I) spokesman's statement that the Hurriyat and the SASS are same side of coin is really disheartening and totally anti-national. How can Union government say that the separatist who are burning the national flag and the nationalist who are carrying it with pride be same side of a coin. Why is the government not taking any constructive and concrete steps to resolve an issue and being a mute spectator, giving in to every demand of the separatist ?

The incidents can leave one feel that India has come of way to far to be called as democratic, its instead being govern by the vote bank politics, lets call it "DEVOCRATIC".

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

J&K crisis Day-2 of Jail Bharo Andolan

I vented out the major concerns and analysis about the "Jail Bharo Andolan" in my previous post. I am glad that people of Jammu are continuing to vent out there fight against separatist. Second day of "Jail Bharo Andolan" called by the SASS went on peacefully with minor incidents of stone pelting on a cultural function organized by the government in the midst of such a national movement. What was most heartening and phenomenal was the fact that those who got themselves arrested were largely women, sikhs, muslims and other community people in the Jammu area. Also more arrest was recorded on day 2 than on day 1, showing that the national movement is gathering strength and support from all quarters, communities, religion and sex.

In the valley the things went on calm and smooth as normalcy was restored after the Hurriyat leaders called off separatist movement for 3 days, as a gesture more directed to show UN body of who exercise control over the law and order in the valley. It was also much directed towards the government for bending on the separatists demand of opening up of Muzzafarabad road, and letting them to march towards the UN office in Srinagar.

Many will argue that it was BJP who communalized the Amarnath Land Row, and did what even the Hurriyat couldn't do in 50 years. Though it was BJP's sound efforts during Vajpayee's regime that it effectively carried out the peace process and the separatist couldn't polarize the state. In fact, it was the inability of the current state and central government which didn't carried the peace process ahead and also gave separatist a chance to polarize the otherwise peaceful state by enticing Hindu's and Muslim's alike. First, by not taking any stern actions when the controversy started over a piece of land which was always India's and therefore should have been rightly fully transfered to the shrine board as and when deemed. Second, by appeasing the separatist by revoking an order which was already cleared in the assembly.

Let us hope that the UPA government learns through there mistakes and stop appeasing any one community for its vote bank. Narendra Modi have effectively demonstrated that how without appeasement politics terrorists can be nabbed by sheer will and intelligence. He has also proved that to hunt an animal one has to go to the forest, one can not hope that the forest will come to him, in the process you might hurt some shrubs but at the end you save hundreds of lives and face of a community.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jail Bharo Andolan

Let me begin by saying that to understand this piece of article you have to think a little out of the box. Well if you are still grappling about what the box means here, then I am referring to national media or news channels which are orchestrated outside India by some religious fanatics who want to end the oldest religion in the world i.e. Hinduism. The irony is that the self made media analysts, of Hindu and Indian origin, are executing such a plan for money. I am sure by now you must be thinking where the hell is "Jail Bharo Andolan" in all this after almost 50 words. Well you got the point now, where is Jammu's news even after 50 days of agitation and more than 50x4 thousands people who took to streets fearlessly to support the Aamarnath Sangarsh Samiti's call for "Jail Bharo Andolan".

Now for the andolan, all the jails or police stations in Jammu and neighboring districts were full and thousands of nationalist protesters, large no of which were women, courted arrest themselves. The police have to make nationalists stay in the nearby degree college which was also full with nationalists. The security agencies itself places the estimated number of people who courted arrest themselves as 70,000. The police were not expecting so many nationalist protesters to turn up for the mass court arrest call by the samiti and therefore, there was no adequate arrangements for water or food in police stations. According to the highly placed sources SMS in and out of the Jammu region are blocked. ( For complete information visit )

Separatist have demanded for a free Kashmir and termed there agitation as a freedom movement. But, how can any true nationalist accept that even after knowing the sacrifice made by Indian soldiers in various wars (1948, 1965, 1971 and Kargil). How can anyone forget about Kashmiri Pandits who had to flee there own land because of separatists after more than 20 years of Independence. Everyone of us have the right to defend his religious faith and identity. The land transfer didn't hurt anyone's religious sentiments but its revocation rightly did to the Hindus in Hindustan. A fight for one's religious faith and preserving a nation's land from going to the hands of separatists can neither be termed as communal nor it can be unjustified.

In fact such a mass ignorance by the media or anyone else is a national and cultural crime. It can only be termed as an effort to downplay the oldest manuscript 'Geeta', the oldest known civilization and religion 'Hinduism' and true diversity and cultural values of India by separatist and the national media.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Amarnath Land Row

For the past one month, Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir is on a boil. Let us break all events apart and see where the actual problem is and how it stared in the first place. The Congress(I) and PDP were in coalition in the state, and it was under the PDP's CM rule that the legalities of land transfer was looked into. The resolution was passed in the J&K assembly under The Congress(I) CM's rule to transfer 40 acres of land to The Amarnath Shrine Board.

The yatara(travel) to the shrine (Hindu temple) is going on from 150 years and with the local support of Muslims of the valley. Everyone admires and respects that. But, if the land was not required to better the facilities for the devotees or to increase the devotees head count then to look into the legalities for land transfer and then passing the bill in the J&K assembly was either a mockery in the first place or was done to get Hindu vote in an election year. or If the land was required to increase the head count of devotees, then the revocation of such an order is like creating an economic blocked for the local people of the valley as more tourist would have come to the valley.

Now, in opposition to the land transfer were mostly the ideology that, first it is against the sovereign Kashmir which to millions of Indians is totally absurd cause they have never seen Kashmir not being the part of India. Second, that the government is trying to settle Hindu's in Kashmir and disturbing the demographics. Though, same people were either mute spectators or were involved in the atrocities on the kashmiri pandits community (Hindus) years back.

First, the separatist oppose a development plan which would have brought more revenues in the hands of the people of the valley directly from the increased tourists or devotees, then suddenly say that India is indifferent to minorities (Muslim) for whom the government spends millions of dollars for a safe, sound and better Haj pilgrimage. I guess it is because of these reasons that the ongoing Amarnat Sangharsh Samiti's agitation is Nationalist in a Hindu dominated country and communal because the separatist are putting salt on the wounds of millions of Kashmiri pundits and thereby on Hindus in India.

Now for the Solution :

The solution is simple but requires great courage for a leader, in the hardest time (election year). You have to address the nation and explain that neither Hindu sentiments nor Muslim sentiments or for that matter not any of religious sentiments will be hurt in India. India, won't be divided on religious, regional grounds by any separatist's and that every religion and every region has to accommodate others sentiments. It is therefore, necessary for the leader and every politician and most importantly the so called (every media) intellectuals to rise above there patrons (Sonia Gandhi, RSS, Funding Institutions) politics and condemn the revocation order and deal firmly with the separatists. Also, scrap the Ram Setthu Project and built the Babri Masjid back where it was.